

Find useful information on farming tyres: technical information, sales advices, stock management, how to choose and user guide…
Maxi Traction IF tyres for soil preservation
20 December 2024

Why are agricultural tyres crucial for soil preservation?

Soil preservation is not just a question of ecology: it’s an economic and strategic necessity for your farm. The quality of your soil has a direct bearing on the growth capacity of your crops, the productivity of your land and, in the long term, on the profitability of your farm. Soil compaction is...
Narrow tyres to circulate easily between rows
22 May 2023

Narrow versus standard tractor tyres for spraying

What is the best choice of tyre for your tractor if you work with a sprayer in tow? Should you keep your usual wide tyre because it’s easier and quicker not to change tyres? Or must you absolutely change to narrow tyres to avoid squashing the crops? You might think that there is only a slight...
Harvesting beet in wet conditions
20 January 2023

Managing soil recovery after the beet harvest

The self-propelled machinery used for harvesting beet represents 40 to 80 tonnes bearing down on tyres that will criss-cross over your fields, closely followed by tractors with trailers, weighing around 35 tonnes when loaded. Bearing in mind that excess soil compaction can lead to a loss of yield...
Compaction linked to trailers and harvesters
16 September 2022

Everything you need to know about soil restoration after the harvest

The harvesting job is finished but you would like to have better yields going forwards, so it’s important to look ahead and prepare to ensure the best possible conditions for future campaigns. Many factors are involved when it comes to improving your yields; those over which you have little...
Unloading the harvester at the edge of the field
23 August 2022

Agricultural tyres: how to preserve your soil during the harvest

Your soil is crucial ; it can be highly productive and serve up good yields for many years, but there are some fundamental conditions which must be respected for this to remain constant. Among these conditions, avoiding soil compaction is certainly one of the most important and most difficult to...
Impact of agricultural tyres on soil
30 September 2021

How do my agricultural tyres impact soil compaction?

Excessive soil compaction can lead to a 20% to 50% loss of yield. This is therefore a major problem, even if it is not visible when you have finished working. It is due solely to the passage of your machinery. It is therefore a problem that you can manage, or even avoid if you have the right...
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