The Bridgestone Group aims to contribute to building a sustainable society by balancing our operations with the capacity of Earth’s resources.
Based on this philosophy, we have prepared a long-term environmental vision which we use to guide our activities:
(Contribution > Footprint)
We are working concurrently to minimise the environmental footprint of our business operations, while also enhancing our environmental contributions.
To achieve this goal, we are committed to the following three actions:
- reducing raw material consumption (enhancing resource productivity)
- recycling resources and using them efficiently
- expanding and diversifying renewable resources (i.e., technology aimed at zero use of non-renewable materials)
CONTRIBUTE TO GLOBALLY AGREED TARGETS (Over 50% reduction in CO2 emissions)
As a responsible corporate citizen, we pay close attention to science-based CO2 emission reduction goals, and the ongoing and projected impacts of climate change.
Based on IPCC* projections and those of other internationally recognised agencies, we have established a goal for reducing the CO2 emissions in our business operations.
* Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change