

The Bridgestone/Firestone factory, located in Puente San Miguel (Spain).

The Bridgestone/Firestone factory, located in Puente San Miguel (Spain).

The Bridgestone/Firestone Research & Development Centre, located in Rome (Italy).

The Bridgestone/Firestone Research & Development Centre, located in Rome (Italy).

European Firestone agricultural tyres are European to the core. We are in constant contact with you and our local dealers to develop tyres that meet your specific needs.
Our tyres are designed and intensively tested at our Research & Development Centre in Italy, and are produced in Spain.

Engineers who understand what you really need

Firestone engineers have proved to be very committed to your welfare. Thanks to their years of experience, their technological expertise, their ongoing contacts with farmers all over Europe and their knowledge of European agricultural soils, they develop tyres that help you to cover more land, more efficiently, saving time and fuel.

Produced and distributed in Europe

All Firestone agricultural tyres are manufactured at our agricultural tyre plant in Puente San Miguel, Spain. All transport to our dealers in Europe within 2 days is done over land. There are no overseas activities nor air transport, this contributes to a reduction in CO2 emissions and helps the environment.